We had another laid back day today. Jill worked,
so we watched Linnea from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
We also had Marcos for a good part of the afternoon.
Checo and Em are replacing the
picture windowtake is in their dining area.
The new window looks great.

Marcos and Linnea played under our dinner table
for a while; fun ensued.....

....then stopped suddenly.
I wonder how many children played under this
table. It came from Grandpa and Grandma's
house. On a farm outside of
Foley, MN.
Kitchen prep was done for tomorrow's dinner.
The menu will be: oven roasted beef
twice baked potatoes,
inlagd gurka, apple crisp,
start with an amuse
busch of cream of asparagus soup
We hope that everyone has a wonderful celebration tomorrow.