Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Birthday Fun At The Beach

Lois and Janet always enjoy their visits together.

Allison and Linnea getting to know each
other; ah, Allison, don't even think about
touching Nea's Ruby.

It was pretty cold on the channel at Holland
State Park.

Then it got pretty wet. Please note how
close the horizon seems to be. That's
rain that is just about to move the party.

Linnea keeping warm and eating her
Cheerios while watching the party being
taken apart,,,,and moved to,,,,,,,
Jill took this video while we were driving
to Mom and Dad's; without Lois or Gregg

,,,,Lois and Jerry's house.

Family photo. A keeper.
Mom was having so much fun taking these
pictures. Using 4 cameras, she must have
taken 20 0r more pictures. She had the
banter of a professional photographer,
it was a hoot.
Not a keeper.
Emily and Michael. Michael will be taking
the mcats on Tuesday. We will be thinking
about you!
Issac is doing well at Western.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Monday

Marcos loves cantaloupe.

Linnea loves it too. Relaxing in her Nemo
floaty ring.

Tiger Marcos check his 6 for anyone
following him.

Em and Checo's Godmother Rose just got
back from Mexico. Gregg asked her to find
some ceramic art from an artist located in
She was able to find the artist, literally, and purchased
this bowl for us. It's beautiful and exactly
what we were looking for. Thanks Rose,
we owe you again!

Maestro Morales often includes fish
in his works.
We visited Tzintzuntzan while in Mexico
during our first visit with Em and Checo.
That was B-M, before Marcos. The visit
to Tzin was a very quick visit, but we were
able to visit the Purhépechan temple.
MJ, Isaac-aka, Michael Jordan and Gregg.
Please note, Isaac must be standing in a hole,
because he is at least 3 inches taller than Gregg:~)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday Shots

The garden goddess is looking good.

Linnea, pool fun.

This monarch has a bumper sticker, that
you can't see that says, "Michoacan or Bust".

Nea is missing her cousin, who is in Chicago
this weekend with his Mom and Dad.

New taste sensation.
The Swede. Hamburger with inlagd gurka
and course grain mustard.
I guess the bun should be made from a
limpa dough; maybe next time.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Few Misc. Shot From This Week

Pre-fútbol meal. Mexico defeated the US, 2-1.
Marcos was helping in the kitchen this morning....

..and also outback.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fun in Sidewalk Sprinkler

Linnea loved the water.

Marcos showing his moves.

MJ's maize.