He loved it.
Playing with sand on the sandy beach.
M the fish. Check out his big old smile.
This video was provided by MJ's aunt and cousin, I think.
And edited to shown just M. Thanks so much for the video!
Lunch with Mom on the beach, under an umbrella
that almost reached Dorothy in Kansas.
Sea legs!
Sea nap.
Auto nap with Grandma R. We rented a Caddy
for the day and it was a very smooth and
comfortable ride, as evidence from this picture.
Em and M saying a last good bye before going through
the metal detector. Well, not the last good bye,
Em had 2 milk bottles loaded with water to be used
dinner for M and a bottle of water that failed the
inspection. She and M came back through and
we had to make the two bottles of formula and
we brought the water sippy cup home.
We will miss all of you so much, but are looking forward
to the day that we see the entire Lopez family come walking
down the gang way to begin you new lives in GR.
We love you all so much!
1 comment:
Oh that look on Marcos' face as we were waving the last goodbye before takeoff!
Dad, Mom, Jill, Sean, Michael - Thanks for sharing your house and hearts with us. We had such a great time and can't wait to be back for good. Thanks for making room and so much time for us. I didn't change a poopy diaper the whole time I was there.
Can't wait to make more memories with you all real soon!
Big M
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