Linnea needed some lamp time before being allowed to leave hospital. Which she did today. Here she is just takin' it easy at home this afternoon. Holiday Linnea. Pea pod Linnea, see Friday's post. Marcos' first look at his new cousin.
Linnea Jane Smith arrived at 1:10 AM this morning. She is a beautiful little lady, 7# 2z, 19' long. OMG, Linnea's Mom is an iron woman. That's all I'll say about Jilly right now, except that she is doing great after one heck of a day. I am so proud of her. Ladies and Gentlemen, Linnea!
MJ and Em just got home. Things are still going slowly. Jill just had an epidural and hopefully will sleep and or rest a bit. Jill and Sean playing cards. According to MJ, the spikes on this graph are when Jill was having a contraction. Yesterday, MJ and Jill were making a Halloween outfit for Linnea, a little sprout costume. This was from Wednesday or Thursday night. Jilly got some new comfy hospital clothes.
MJ and Em are on the way to the hospital. MJ took a lunch break. S just called and said that Jill's contractions are 2 to 3 minutes apart and that she is dilated to about 5 cm or so. She is still hanging in there. More soon, I hope!
Jill's intern was with her a while ago and told her that they would be breaking her water. Well, before they could get to it, her water broke all by it's self, so things are progressing. More later.
Jill called about 6:30 this morning to ask for MJ to come down to the hospital. Jill was in lots of discomfort. MJ call about 9 AM and reports that Jill is dilated to about 3cm and in labor, she will be checked again soon by her nurse, so we should have some more specific info pretty soon. Linnea' name origin: The girl's name Linnea \l(in)-nea\ is pronounced le-NEE-ah, le-NAY. It is of Scandinavian origin, and its meaning is "lime or lindentree". Also the name of a smallpinkmountainflower that was named after the Swedishbotanist Carl Linnaeus, inventor of the universally recognized system of classifying plants and animals. Swedish girls are given this name with a smallblueflower in mind. Literary: there is a character named Linnea in a popularseries of children's books by Christian Bjork. according to,
Just to let you all know the latest.....Jill was admitted last night at 8:30 to be induced at Spectrum. Things got started around 10am. Sean went home to sleep. Nothing much happened over night...additional medications every 4 hrs to hopefully speed things up. As of 9am this morning, when Gregg and I went over to see Jill, she's still not dilated. She and Sean were resting and the monitor indicated that Linnea is doing fine.
This could be a long day. It may be a while before they start to administer anything stronger. So the J & S are prepared with a deck of cards, magazines; Jill brought her scrap booking stuff and they hope to be able to take a walk or two if they'll let Jill off the monitor for 15 minutes at a time.
We'll head over again later today. M is taking a nap and his momma and poppa are enjoying a lunch out together. If Jill is up to it, we might work on L's halloween costume. I bought some green felt and pipe cleaners....we hope to make a "sweet pea" costume out of a lovely green blanket Em is loaning her for that purpose.
M is a very good helper around the house. He and his Mom raked the backyard and,,, pulled some plants up, and added everything to the compost pit. It's beautiful today, right around 70ºF and not a cloud in the sky.
M and S can't believe their good fortune! Wedding cake from AZ, brought special delivery. First fork full. M and her post airport pick up trip snack. This morning, M and S enjoy a mid morning cake snack. It's All About The Cake!!
S giving M a ride in a diaper box. M getting ready to go outside. By the end of the winter, M will be running out into the snow with no jacket on. My guess.