Jill was in lots of discomfort.
MJ call about 9 AM and reports that Jill is dilated to about 3cm and in labor, she will be checked again soon by her nurse, so we should have some more specific info pretty soon.

Linnea' name origin:
The girl's name Linnea \l(in)-nea\ is pronounced le-NEE-ah, le-NAY. It is of Scandinavian origin, and its meaning is "lime or linden tree". Also the name of a small pink mountain flower that was named after the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus, inventor of the universally recognized system of classifying plants and animals. Swedish girls are given this name with a small blue flower in mind. Literary: there is a character named Linnea in a popular series of children's books by Christian Bjork.
according to, thinkbabynames.com
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