Al and Bettie A are visiting.
Ah,,sorry Al and Bettie, I didn't get any pictures
of you.
Seems as though my camera was M centric once again.
A is showing Lala how to play the baby grand.
M and C enjoying some quite time, and M is
enjoying his own Minute-Maid orange.
He had a pretty nice orange mustache after
he was done.
'norin giving A and M a ride in Great Grandma/Grandma's
yard wagon.
Thanks for the photos. We appreciate being able to watch Marcos grow!! Kelly and Cruz ( friends of Sergio and Emily )
Hi Kelly and Cruz. Thanks for letting us know that you check us out.
I don't know what how we could have gotten through the time the L's were in Mexico without being able to view Em's blog and visiting via web cam.
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