He then enjoyed the comfort this bed
gave to him.
G' G, gave MJ some buttons this morning to give
to M. He loves them!
L has been doing such a good job motorvating lately.
We are guessing that within 3 to 6 weeks, she
will be walking on her own.
M helped make chocolate-chip cookies this
M is helping to make lasagna,,,,and yes,,,,,
that is chocolate on his right ear lobe.
Ike hits west Michigan!
Rain, rain, go away! Doesn't my little boy look so big in these photos? He's still got his baby chub which is so cuddly, but his face especially looks more and more grown up. I guess cause it is. Anywho, I love my cookie monster. Thanks for helping aleave his cabin fever this weekend!
And I love my Linny too!!!! I'm so proud of her. She's such a quiet girl who doesn't like to call a lot of attention to herself even when she does something great (sounds like her mom and very unlike her auntie - wonder where Marcos gets it from too, huh). Love to see her walking!
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