Here's a post to all those stiched-inclined out there. I was looking for links to purchase a book by a gifted quilter, Siegerd Schoen Smith (above)and found this interesting link to a history of the famous Hummel figurines. If you read through (the story is really interesting), you'll see a reference to Smith as the original model for one of the Hummel figures when she was just a small child. http://www.americancatholic.org/messenger/Aug1997/feature2.asp
J and I drove home from Detroit through blustery snowflakes and arrived home to see the ground covered with a dusting of snow! What better weather to start a new quilt or knitting project?
I have tomorrow off work for Veterans Day and hope to spend some time working on a quilt for work using old uniforms. I'm inspired by the detail of this intricate quilt. And also think it would be interesting to see how often other quilts or needlework leads to a famous person or event.
Hi, I'll look for some back issues of quilting magazines for some articles and wonderful photos!
Brrrr. With this weather I just want to crawl under a nice warm quilt.
Muy interesante! I learned something new.
Ok, Dad... now that you have your iTouch you don't use your camera anymore, or what?? I faithfully check your blog yet I get nothing.
I'm so embarased.
I'll get on the shind again this weekend.
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