Gregg was in the living room and heard a dripping sound. Thought it was the clock, thought is was the TV, investigated more and found a little puddle on the floor under the front window; water dripping in through the wall above.
An hour later, he's removed the windows in the upstairs bedroom and climbed out on the roof!! YIKES!!! He cleared 1/2 of the porch roof of snow and chipped a big hunk of ice off the roof. A generous application of ice melt, windows replaced; blood pressure approaching normal.....
Just goes to show, it pays to pay attention, even to little noises.
photos courtesy of the net
Must be running in the family. Our glub, glub sound from the basement toilet has turned into a backed up drain. Ray is on the way to Home Depot for a snake as we speak!
Sorry to hear about your drain troubles.
Hope that it's OK by now.
In Minoan culture, backed up drains bode well for a good new year.
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