Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cold........and flu season

Yes its cold! and more on the way. Just cautioned Em
about checking anti-freeze before her trip to pick up
Checo at the airport on Friday. And its flu season. L and
I traded germs apparently because we both were sick like
the proverbial dog the last few days. I don't wish it on
anyone. Hopefully the rest of the fam will have grown
immune and avoid it all together. L is usually so happy
and it was hard to see her feeling bad, not able to tell us
what's wrong. She seems to be back to her old self tonight.

So L and I missed the birthday celebrations in Holland.
Belated Happy B-days to Lois and Anja! I did feel well
enough on Saturday to make a doll quilt for Anja and
enjoyed the time spent working at my sewing table.
Thanks again, Checo! As you can see from these shots,
I have not painted it yet; the basement is just too cold
(I use a space heater and a shawl to keep warm.), but
will spruce it up with some color as soon as the weather
gets warmer. The table folds up and out of the way when
not in use and the iron sits on a sliding shelf for added
work surface when needed. Gregg also hooked up the
VCR and I can watch my P&P while sewing too. The
metal surface holding all the magnetic hooks is actually
the back of the furnace air return.

Here are a few more pictures from the last few days.

Here's L feeling much better! An M enjoying the weather
just before the snow storm last week. We actually saw
some grass for a day or two. Hope everybody stays
warm this coming week.


G'G'ma said...

So sorry you got the bug. Seems as though that is a constant with little ones around. Missed you Sunday. I'm anxious to read the book....looks really like fun. Can't imagine trying so many new recipes every day. Requires a cooperative husband!!

Sarah said...

That's a great workspace! What a talented cousin-in-law I have!!

Aunt MJ, I have to admit to a chuckle or two at the picture of you huddled in the basement with nothing but a shawl and space heater, working your fingers to the bone. I almost expected you to say your fairy godmother suddenly appeared. :)

Hilarywho said...

Nice sewing spot MJ. I still need a pouch for my ice pack if you're looking for a project! I have a blog now, too, by the way, and I have yours listed as one I follow. I am Hilarywho on blogger and my blog is The Amazing Force of Gravity.