MJ writing at 3pm Tuesday, August 5, 1997: "The wrist-watch alarm went off at 6:45 a.m. We'd spent the night in Berlin, Maine. A good stopping point enroute from Boston to Acadia National Park. Tired and hungry after a fun day of sightseeing in Boston and more beautiful scenery. A lobster dinner, distinguished only for its appallingly bad service, topped the evening.The morning drive to the 3rd largest island off the continental coast of the USA took us through a number of quaint small towns, each with it subiquitous "lobster pound".Mt. Desert Island is a treasure! We took the driving tour of the Acadia National Park, stopping midway to walk several miles along the shorelin. We peered int tidal pools, hoping for a glimpse of stranded crabs or sea urchins. Nothing too dramatic, but the shoreline was incomparable. It was low tide, so "thunder hole" wasn't doing much "thundering". The pink granite was fun to climb up and over and the trails looked tempting. Gregg didn't seem at all keen to try the precipice trail or even the less daunting Gorham Trail, after glimpsing human specs making their way along the mountain face above us.So much to see on this isalnd and we only really peeked at it! Overcast skies and glorious thunderheads loom above us as we follow US-2 out of Maine, across the White Mountains of New Hampshire."Below are a few more photos from the trip: swimming at the cottage; Boston street, Acadia Park and "Thunder Hole"

1 comment:
Oh my, we have all aged in ten years! Mom, you and Jill look better now. Wish I could say the same for myself. hahaha
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