Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday Shots

The garden goddess is looking good.

Linnea, pool fun.

This monarch has a bumper sticker, that
you can't see that says, "Michoacan or Bust".

Nea is missing her cousin, who is in Chicago
this weekend with his Mom and Dad.

New taste sensation.
The Swede. Hamburger with inlagd gurka
and course grain mustard.
I guess the bun should be made from a
limpa dough; maybe next time.


Tamara said...

Or you could wrap that burger in lefse!

GreggR said...

Wrapped then grilled would be excellent.

Tamara said...

You could call if the Grilled Stuffed Swedish Burger. Mmmmmm.

Phil and Linda said...

actually, it looks pretty good as is!

GreggR said...

It was. Nice contrasting flavors.

G'G'ma said...

Sounds good to me. I do have a few lefse in the freezer if you want to try Tam's suggestion!