Monday, September 21, 2009


Jill, MJ and kids headed downtown for a beautiful Sunday stroll along the Gerald R. Ford Museum/GR Museum grounds and then across the pedestrian bridge to see some of the ArtPrize installations. The Giant Button here however, is a permanent installation that has been on the grounds of the GRF Museum for some time.

Marcos enjoying the reflecting pool.

This spiral of branches stood a good 15 feet high.
Below, Marcos points out the fish mobile rising
up out of the Grand River.

The perspective was just too large to understand
for M & L....see the gi-normous table and chairs
sitting on top of the bridge?
Marcos peers longingly at the Tiger on
the Museum Carousel......
The sculpture below was huge in scale,
placed on the entrance to the pedestrian bridge.

Below, M &L anticipate a giant "Stomp"....the steel
sculpture in the previous photo can be seen in the distance.

Back at home, a restful moment by the garden.
The kids literally walked, ran, jogged and jumped
their way through the art-walk. Peanut butter/jelly
and strawberries followed by a nice nap topped off the afternoon.

1 comment:

La Familia Lopez Robinson said...

I love the art photos and commentary. Especially how the kids viewed the large-scale. "It's a table and chairs on a bridge... so what's the big deal?" Loves it! And Marcos peering in on the carousel tiger. I'm kind of surprised that he didn't pitch a fit because he couldn't go in and ride it.