Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We woke up to a thick glaze of ice on EVERYTHING outside this morning. Not a nice morning to be out and about! Which I learned the hard way as I stepped out on the porch to retrieve a present that Santa forgot in the car last slip, fall, bruised bum, near vasovagal event later.

The Lopez' and Issac were able to join us for brunch. Mom stayed home with bad chest cold and a good thing too, as it just was not a good idea for her to try to "skate" across her parking lot.

The rest of the afternoon has been nap filled, checking out the gifts with Nea and the promise of left-overs this evening. We're looking forward to getting together with all the B's tomorrow.

Best wishes to everyone for an equally laid back, holiday weekend ahead.

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