the bag had been opened and some gifts were stolen.
Nothing irreplaceable though.
M in his new exersaucer, he loves it. This was in
Walking to dinner. MJ took us out for my 50th birthday
My app. Corn fungus, Huitlacoche [wee-tlah-KOH-cheh],
also spelled with a C,
Santa, M and his Mom on main plaza.
Blowing out candle, it is a tres leche cake. This is
just before MJ pushed my face into the cake, a Mexican tradition.

Taken minutes ago, M and this Grandma.

Taken minutes ago, M and this Grandma.
We will have Christmas with M's other Grandparents
this evening.
Mom, glad to see you can get to the libr.
1 comment:
We've just ooohhh'd and aaahhhh'd over all the pictures --wonderful collection! We're thinking of you SO VERY VERY MUCH. It's 6 PM Christmas Eve here...Beth is en route home...a quiet evening for Mom. Our Nigerian friends just left after a nice visit!
MUCH, MUCH LOVE from us both!
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