These are unbaked, just starting their second rise.
Right out of the oven. Nice, golden brown.
I made these at home this evening and will bring
them to work. They are on the menu for this month's
MCC Board of Directors dinner tomorrow evening.
I will frost half of them. The rest of the menu is
inlagd gerka, cucumber slices pickled, potatis korv,
potato sausage, red cabbage, Jannsen's temptation, and
rice pudding with cookies and jellied fruit candies.
The Board President thanked me for the "wonderful meal".
I don't know how much anyone ate, but they do
appreciate the opportunity to try different foods.
One of the two Swedes on the Board, told me that
she had hoped that I would at least have the Lucia Buns.
She was pleased.
1 comment:
Holy smokes! Let us know how the smorgasbord went over! The buns look great.
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