iTunes. Say hello to my new Apple iTouch.
It seems my iPod nano had some water damage,
that was causing my technical difficulties.
The Tech Rep at Apple says that my nano had water
damage. Once again, WTF, water damage! I'm not
a Navy Seal, haven't swum with Michael Phelps since
my nano was delivered, haven't visited Niagara Falls,
and didn't run the Grand Rapids Marathon while
wearing my nano.
looking around, shifting weight on feet, I did allow
wonderful little L to hold the nano, she liked the
display and control circle. L is almost a year old and
is working on a couple dozen teeth. Therefore, lots
of moisture.
Lesson learned.
While talking with the Tech Rep at the Apple Store
and listening to my options, repair, which is really
replacement, MJ walked up and suggested an upgrade.
Say no more, Bob's your uncle, I have a new iTouch.
Added later, talk about a case of tech envy. When I
placed my little nano on the counter, it sure looked small,
insignificant, and almost out of place in the Apple Store.
Oh yeah. We'll have to get your iTouch and our iTouch together some time! Upload some video podcasts of The Dog Whisperer for me, will ya? The iTouch basically turns into a portable DVD player. Crazy.
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