This weekend I finished the process.
I had a very low fire in the Weber and hickory
This piece of bacon has been pan fried.
The mouth feel and consistency of the bacon
was excellent. I did need more smoke and delete
the gran. and brown sugars from the cure.
Em and Checo are celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary
this weekend. We love you guys so much, congratulations.
M came over for his nap yesterday and was with us until
mid-morning or so today. What a freakin' bundle of energy he
is. We had a great time reading books, watching Thomas and Friends
and dancing to Backyardigans music. What a wonderful young
man my Grandson is. He is so loving and concerned about
others, that it just about bursts your heart to be around him.
Oh, and don't get me going on L!
I purchased Max and Ruby beany babies for M and L to play with
while at our house. They both like the TV show on Nick Jr.
Along with that purchase, I also purchased a beany baby of
Gary, Sponge Bob's pet snail. M loves him and likes wearing him
on his person.
1 comment:
Once again, love the videos!!! There is not a dull moment with those two around, is there?!?
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