Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve, 2010

 Marcia and Al discuss the finer points of juicing and orange,,,,I think.
 Bill getting the Swedish meatballs ready.
 A few hot items baking/warming.
 We think Mateo is teething.
 Herring/Fish Buffet

 Bill milling the rotmos.
 Cold Buffet
 Hot Buffet
Em is modeling the kronekake.  Mom made the cake and 
Em made the flags, which represent our heritage.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pre-Christmas Pictures

 Issac post graduation.
 Nice picture of Em and,,,,,hey, is Mateo 
sticking his tongue out at me!
 The next generation eating lunch at the Baumgartner Christmas party.
 Beth's nieces and nephews.
 Nea just before jumping into the pool.

 Dick and Y joined us today for Christmas this year.
 Linnea helped Grandma play scrabble.
 Issac right after graduation.