Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas Morning

We had a nice brunch before we opened presents.

Marcos did a great job handing out presents.

Linnea was still kind of sleepy as she
got started on her gifts.

Marcos got a great, muscles built in,
Spiderman costume.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

It was great having Issac with us,
he helped out by playing with Marcos.

Yes Virginia, there was lutefisk.
Fish coarse.
Cold coarse.
Hot coarse.

Marcos handing our gifts.

Anja handing out pictures.
Marcos tiger.

Gregg's Birthday

Linnea and Grandpa.
Linnea, offering her expertise in present opening.
Marcos, Checo and Linnea.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We woke up to a thick glaze of ice on EVERYTHING outside this morning. Not a nice morning to be out and about! Which I learned the hard way as I stepped out on the porch to retrieve a present that Santa forgot in the car last slip, fall, bruised bum, near vasovagal event later.

The Lopez' and Issac were able to join us for brunch. Mom stayed home with bad chest cold and a good thing too, as it just was not a good idea for her to try to "skate" across her parking lot.

The rest of the afternoon has been nap filled, checking out the gifts with Nea and the promise of left-overs this evening. We're looking forward to getting together with all the B's tomorrow.

Best wishes to everyone for an equally laid back, holiday weekend ahead.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some Misc. Action From The Last Few Weeks

Marcos really enjoyed the dry jello mix.
Marcos wasn't into making cookies, but he
did watch closely; maybe next year.
Marcos got some new soldiers at Schuler's.
They are guarding the Christmas tree here.
MJ and Marcos attended a fun Feast of
Guadalupe party at the GR Public Library.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas vacation has begun!

Gregg and I are officially on VACATION. School is done at the college and Gregg doesn't have to go back until the 4th. Except for a 1/2 day next week....I'm also off until the 4th. Yeah!

We have a little more shopping to do and have decided that brunch next Friday will be our celebration here at home, in between the celebration in Holland the night before and the big gathering at Bill's on the day after Christmas.

The christmas cards are going slowly, so please don't think we've forgotten! As everyone heads into the last weekend before the holiday, we hope you all enjoy time with family and friends. Treat yourself to a random act of kindness and bask in the glow!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter is here...its official!

Gregg shoveled the drive 3 times on Friday last week! While everything beyond 20 miles from us was practically snowflake free!! What's up with that? The snow in the street is barely melted and the next storm is predicted for tomorrow. Blustery winds have just begun.

The good news is that our colds and Gregg's sinus infection have finally cleared up...I think....
Shopping is nearly done, baking and Christmas cards are on the agenda this weekend and the last full week of work for the month is next week.

The Linnea quilt is yet to finish, but she actually helped me with a few stitches the other night; carefully pulling the needle through the fabric for me. Think I might have a sewer in the making? I'm guessing a darning needle and some plastic or burlap is just the ticket.

Michael's birthday is Saturday, so we're hoping to connect with the guys this weekend too..

Anyone doing St. Lucia rolls on Sunday? I'm looking at my collection of St. Lucia figures right now.

Stay warm everyone...(OK, you guys out in Phoenix just stay cool).