Friday, July 16, 2010

Mission mushrooms

Gregg is a busy guy this week and next out in Connecticut learning the ins-and-outs of SUBWAY. So I tried my hand at some culinary domesticity. This is a mushroom, shrimp quiche with a homemade crust. I made it in the small springform pan so it's nice and thick. Jill, Nea and I will try it out with a salad tonight. We're slowly using up all the stuff in the fridge, freezer and cupboard. I'm avoiding a trip to the grocery for anything but essentials!
Tomorrow afternoon is a block party down the street so will need to bring a dish to pass. Our driveway is scheduled to be seal coated tomorrow too, so lets hope for no rain. There have been a series of short, but intense thunder and lightning storms the last few days here and south of town. I guess quite a few Detroit area folks are out of power today.
Looking forward to a Skype chat with Gregg tonight.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Honey-do list....

Gregg's already tackled a big chunk of the honey-do list over this longggg holiday vacation:
hook-up the rain barrel - check
remove garden hook over a volunteer rose 0f sharon that's really taking off - check
supervise creation of drip hose (so MJ doesn't drill a hole in her own hand) - check
help out at the R's for a chore day - check, check....

Requests for tomorrow: please take new photo for blog header showing the gi-normous sunflowers. And how about one of that dandy rain barrel too?

Thanks for all this, especially since most of it was done during some of the hottest days of the year so far!

Nea is fighting a bout of common childhood virus. She's not able to go to school until she is asymptomatic. I got to be with her all day to day and Gregg is taking tomorrow. Nea is thrilled to be spending this much time at home I think! She's keeping close track of who has to go to work and who gets to "tay here!!!!"

Not quite ready for the family reunion and feeling lonesome already for Gregg who will be leaving that day for 2 wks in Connecticut doing some training for the opening of the new SUBWAY franchise at school.

Stay cool everyone!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Misc. Photos

Issac paid us a short visit on the 3rd. Linnea
was able to entertain him a bit, and had him
crackin' up.

Marcos and Linnea helped Grandpa make
focaccia earlier this summer.

Some backyard fun.

Marcos and Linnea had a blast playing at Kent
County's Millennium Park.

This look may have been in reaction to a seagull flying down out of the sky and stealing some carne right off the grill......cheeky birds at this park!