Saturday, January 27, 2007

Water Update.

We were without water for about 4 hours today.
When it came back on, it hardly flowed at all.
Here is a TV-8 update:
Fixing water main a slow process
GRAND RAPIDS -- Repair crews will continue work on the broken water main on Grand Rapids' north side until at least Monday.
Some residents were forced to go completely without water Saturday as the city began flushing the main system. The crews have to flush the main that broke late Thursday night clean before running two quality tests. The entire process will take at least 48 hours.
Deputy City manager Eric Delong is overseeing the rebuilding process and providing information to the 3,000 residents affected. The general rule, he said, is to use as little water as possible.
"Right now is not a good time to be doing wash because as we recharge it could disturb the sediment a little," he said.
In addition to this break, another localized break occurred Friday night, this time on Hanover Street off of Plainfield Avenue. The two breaks were not related.
"It is the time of year when this stuff happens," Delong said.
With temperatures expected to dip again, there is not much that can be done to prevent more pipes from snapping.
"No," said Delong, "nope, not a thing."24 Hour News 8 will have more details as they become available.

Yes, we were able to clean up a bit before our trip to Michigan City.

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