Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hooray for Volunteers!

And now for something completely different......G- here's
a few shots from today's garden. Scattered throughout this
summer's garden are these lovely little sunflowers. Hooray for volunteers....
with a little help from the birds! I have not been out to do much
weeding, so don't look too closely, but most of the flowering plants are in bloom.

Still waiting for the rest of the phlox, the obedient plants
and the balloon flowers. Though, the mums in H's plot are
very close to blooming too, which seems early. M and I are
picking the last of the peas I'm afraid. Anybody have some
tomatoes ready to pick yet? Ours are just beginning to show
fruit - weeks and weeks away from enjoying samonilla free tomatoes!

And finally, here's the contribution to the B Fam Reunion tomorrow.
You may detect a "B" theme here: Baked beans, brownies, and the
B-Pie (actually, pasta pie which doesn't look nearly as good as the
ones G has perfected.)


GreggR said...

Thanks for the flower and garden shots.
Your contribution to the B reunion all look great!
Good job.
Have fun and say hey to everyone for me.
Keep an eye on M for me; don't let him stay in the water for too long.
Pull him just before his lips turn purple, like they did last year.
I love and miss all of you so much!

Phil and Linda said...

Wow MJ! Looks like food pics that Gregg posts! You look like quite the cook as well.